woman wearing gray cardigan and eyeglasses. tasks leader should delegate
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Every leader has a bunch of tasks they should delegate right away to make the most of their time. Even though the actual work can differ for each leader, this article offers a list of ten tasks that most leaders, whether in the IT industry or running a business, tend to spend time on.

A typical day in the life of a leader often starts with a barrage of emails, a lineup of meetings, and an ever-growing to-do list. Balancing these demands with strategic decision-making and team oversight can be overwhelming. Leaders often don’t realize the amount of time they spend on tasks that could be delegated.

Why Delegation is Important?

Delegation allows leaders to focus on high-impact activities while also fostering their team’s skills and capabilities.

A Gallup study found that CEOs who excel at delegating generate 33% higher revenue than those who do not.

Yet many leaders struggle to let go, fearing losing control or believing they can do the tasks better themselves. By not delegating, they risk burnout and miss out on opportunities for their team to grow and thrive.

This article not only shares the list of tasks to delegate as a leader but also points out whom you can delegate and what strategy you can keep in place to stay in the loop and improve task management.

Also Read: How to delegate effectively: A simple 6-step process

Top 10 Tasks Leaders Should Delegate Today & How

#1. Meeting Preparation and Follow-ups

Preparing agendas, taking minutes, and distributing follow-up action items can be time-consuming. These tasks, while essential, do not require the leader’s direct involvement, thus delegate.

For example, assign a team member (with writing interest) to prepare for client meetings and document key takeaways. As a leader, you can give a template for agendas and minutes and train a team member on this process to match your style.

#2. Routine Status Reporting

Compiling weekly or monthly status reports from various team members frees up significant time for leaders to focus on strategic planning.

For example, a project coordinator (or, if not, a fresher in the team) can gather updates and compile them into a cohesive report. This will give the person an opportunity to connect with everyone on the team. As a leader, you can implement a standard reporting format and schedule regular check-ins to ensure accuracy.

#3. Task Assignment and Monitoring

Assigning and tracking tasks within the team can be managed without constant oversight from the leader.

For example, a scrum master or project analyst (or, if not, a team member who is good with scheduling, planning & organizing) can do this work. As a leader, you can oversee task distribution via task management tools like Trello or Asana.

#4. Resource Allocation Management

Adjusting workloads and resources among team members helps maintain balance without the leader micromanaging.

For example, a team member (who is friendly with all others) can keep track of resource allocation and workload balance. As a leader, you can periodically review workloads and adjust resources.

#5. Administrative Tasks for Budget Tracking

Leaders must track expenses, update budget spreadsheets, and prepare reports, which are all in the same format every month. This makes it a perfect task to delegate. However, as this involves money and confidential details, be mindful of whom you delegate.

For example, a team member (with basic financial skills) can maintain the budget tracker and flag any issues for review. As a leader, you may suggest budgeting software and providing clear guidelines to avoid any mistakes.

#6. Client Communication Coordination

Routine client updates and scheduling meetings can free up time for the leader to focus on more strategic client interactions.

For example, a team member (with strong communication skills) may handle routine communications with clients. As a leader, you must develop a communication protocol and train the person accordingly to ensure no blunders.

#7. Document and Knowledge Management

Leaders are responsible for organizing and maintaining project documents and knowledge repositories. They must ensure that the documents are up-to-date and accessible. However, this doesn’t necessarily require the leader’s direct involvement and is, thus delegate.

For example, assign a team member (who loves processes) to organize files and ensure they are easily retrievable. As a leader, you can suggest cloud storage solutions and establish a filing system to check periodically.

#8. Team Morale and Engagement Activities

Planning and executing team-building activities and engagement initiatives are important in an organization. With delegation, a leader can focus on strategic leadership while ensuring the team remains engaged.

For example, a team member (who loves planning events and is outspoken) can organize team-building activities very well and creatively. As a leader, you can also rotate responsibilities among team members to foster a collaborative environment.

#9. Quality Assurance and Process Improvement

Delegate the tasks of conducting quality checks and suggesting process improvements. This will empower your team to take ownership of doing quality work.

For example, a team member (with a keen eye on details) can perform regular quality audits and suggest improvements. As a leader, you can contact that person to learn about the ongoings.

#10. Training and Development Coordination

Organizing training sessions and tracking professional development can be delegated well within the team. This will ensure continuous learning without the leaders pushing these additional tasks, citing lack of time.

For example, a learning and development coordinator can organize training sessions and track attendance. Or every team member can conduct a session every week to share their learnings with others. As a leader, you may participate sometimes.

“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

– Theodore Roosevelt.

To Conclude

Delegating tasks is not about offloading work but optimizing the use of resources and talents within a team. A leader can strategically delegate tasks to focus on what they do best – leading, inspiring, and driving the organization toward its goal.

Remember: Effective delegation requires clear communication, trust, and the right tools to complete tasks efficiently and to the desired standard.

Start delegating today and witness its positive impact on your productivity and team dynamics.

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Surbhi Mahnot

Surbhi Mahnot

Surbhi Mahnot is the owner of this blog. She has work experience of almost 10 years in the IT industry in varied roles. At present, she is working full-time on this blog. She is passionate about the importance of personal growth in individual and work life, which reflects in her writing too. Travelling, reading, and shopping are her core interest besides work.