Listening isn’t just about hearing words—it’s fundamentally about understanding, responding, and truly connecting. So, are you an active listener or simply waiting for your turn to speak? Take this quick quiz to test your active listening skills and see where you stand!

This self-assessment is specifically designed to help you evaluate and enhance your active listening skills in the workplace. In addition, it serves as a great way to reflect on your communication habits while identifying areas for growth.

The quiz evaluates you on several important aspects, including attentiveness, engagement, patience, emotional intelligence, reflection, focus, awareness, curiosity, critical thinking, and mindfulness.

Read More: Power of Active Listening in Communication: The Ultimate Guide

Most people think they’re great listeners—are you?

Question Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Do you maintain eye contact during conversations to show you’re engaged?
When someone is speaking, do you avoid interrupting or speaking over them?
Do you summarize or paraphrase what the speaker says to ensure understanding?
Do you focus only on the speaker’s words without getting distracted by external factors?
Do you give verbal affirmations, like “I see” or “Got it,” to show you’re listening?
Do you ask clarifying questions when something is unclear?
Can you detect the speaker’s emotions through their tone of voice and body language?
When listening to feedback or criticism, do you stay calm and receptive?
Do you give the speaker your full attention, avoiding multitasking?
Do you respond with appropriate, thoughtful comments or questions after hearing someone out?
When someone shares an idea or suggestion, do you give them time to finish without cutting them off?
Do you adapt your listening style based on the speaker’s communication style or needs?
Do you avoid jumping to conclusions while someone is speaking?
When you don’t understand something, do you ask for more information before responding?
Do you stay present in emotional conversations, focusing on the speaker’s message and not on your own emotions?
Your score
You’re a productivity master, ready to take on any challenge like Leonardo!

Note: This assessment is for personal growth and learning and should be interpreted as such. Do not copy or commercially reuse this assessment.

Take a Moment to Reflect 🎯

  • What surprised you about your quiz results?
  • Did your score match how you see yourself as a listener?
  • What’s one small change you’ll make moving forward?

Know someone who needs this active listening test – send them this quiz!

Surbhi Mahnot

Surbhi Mahnot

Surbhi Mahnot is a champion of personal growth and career success, helping individuals master soft skills like emotional intelligence, leadership, and productivity. As the creator of TheBlogRelay, she offers actionable insights and tools to empower readers to excel in their careers and lead fulfilling lives.