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Conflict Resolution: Top Proven Strategies for Remote Teams in 2023

conflict resolution remote work
remote team meeting
Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

With the rise of remote work, conflict resolution struggles within teams have become more challenging than ever. The lack of face-to-face interaction and physical presence can often lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and a breakdown of trust among team members. This article shares some valuable strategies for managing conflicts among remote teams.

In a survey by Harvard Business Review, 52% of respondents said virtual teams are less successful than traditional teams at managing conflict. 

Remote work and conflict resolution challenges

As the world continues to navigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work is becoming more prevalent across different industries. The rise of remote work has also led to the emergence of remote job portals such as, which connects companies with talented professionals worldwide. While remote work offers many benefits, such as increased flexibility and access to a broader talent pool, it also presents new challenges, especially regarding conflict management.

Teams working remotely may face unique issues with conflict resolution that those within a traditional office setting encounter less often.

Effective communication is essential for the flawless resolution of conflicts in remote teams

Surbhi Mahnot

Importance of communication with remote teams

According to a study by Buffer, communication is the biggest challenge for remote teams, with 20% of respondents citing it as their top challenge.

Effective communication can prevent conflicts from arising in the first place and help resolve disputes when they occur. It should be clear, concise, and frequent.

It is essential to cultivate an atmosphere for open communication and provide transparent guidance on discussion policies. Furthermore, the team members must leverage digital tools specifically suited to the given situation. If an issue requires a more personal approach, a video call might be better than an email.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

In conflict management, assertive communication can help prevent conflicts from escalating. By expressing their concerns clearly and directly, individuals can help others understand their perspectives and find mutually beneficial solutions to disputes.

In contrast, passive communication can lead to misunderstandings and resentment, while aggressive communication can escalate conflicts and create a hostile work environment.

Effective strategies for resolving disputes among remote teams

Conflict prevention is vital in creating and maintaining a productive and positive remote work environment. When seeking conflict resolution, aim for a common ground solution beneficial to everyone involved – one which satisfies each individual’s needs.

#1. Video conferencing

It is essential to be mindful that understanding body language and tone of voice may become more complex. Therefore, you should strongly encourage your employees to use video calls when discussing delicate matters.

#2. Set clear expectations 

Establish clear expectations for behavior and communication from the start, such as responding times for emails or instant messages, plus a plan of action in the event of arising issues.

#3. Foster trust

It gets difficult to make people comfortable with each other when they don’t interact in person as you cannot see the body language and expressions. Fostering an environment where they can trust each other is essential for conflict management.

Arrange engaging team-building activities, frequent team meetings, or regularly check in with everyone on how they are doing. This will help build a sense of community between colleagues, ensuring everyone is aligned and working toward the same objectives. 

#4. Open communication

Promote open dialogue and proactive problem-solving. Encourage team members to express their concerns and feelings openly and honestly. Maintain transparent communication channels. Everyone involved must know who can be contacted in case of a problem. You can set up a procedure that swiftly recognizes and solves the issue efficiently. 

#5. Actively listen

Active listening is essential to successfully navigating conflicts in any setting, especially on remote teams. Seek to understand each person’s perspective and validate their feelings. Some tips can come in handy here:

#6. Processes in-place

Maintaining the right amount of transparency when working in remote teams is very important. To do so, putting all the processes in line is essential. Everyone should follow some basic working guidelines, which can make conflict resolution easier—for example, making it a rule to prepare meeting minutes and share them with everyone involved. Another example might be setting up monthly or bi-monthly one-on-one meetings with everyone to understand their expectations and share yours.

Additionally, you can also learn about these fantastic conflict management strategies.

Conflict resolution in remote teams necessitates a cohesion of solid communication, speedy action, and openness. When a conflict does arise, address it rapidly and with empathy; actively listen to each individual’s viewpoint while searching for a mutually beneficial solution that works well for everyone involved. This is the key to the successful resolution of any issue!

“Remote work is not just about working from home; it’s about working together while being apart. When conflicts arise, it’s essential to approach them with empathy and to actively listen to all parties involved.”

Maëlle Gavet, CEO of Techstars.
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